Written by Jenny Burke

Andy is, in a way, the self-proclaimed director/producer in our group. Of course, all of us throw in ideas, debate over camera angles, and suggest different ways to say lines, but Andy's been there through all of it. The rough outline of our plot was the brainchild of Andy and Josh. Scripts have been scribbled in mostly his handwriting; his artistic style is evident in the rough story board we've used. He has spent late nights at Tiffany's house pouring over the computer or keyboard. He is also an actor in the movie. There is not any part of Jin Kato Mu that doesn't have a little bit of Andy Thomas in it.

I would say, and I think everyone would agree, that his opinion is the most respected; he has the air of a leader. That doesn't, however, mean he's perfect. No one is. Andy has a tendency to be over-proud occasionally. He's laughed down ideas before they've barely exited our heads. A lot of times the ideas were bad anyway, but there's a certain respect everyone needs and wants in our group since there's not a truly humble one among us, except maybe Derek. But in the end, Andrew has always been the first to endorse the movie and often one of the last to go home.

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